Do You Often Feel Overwhelming Anxiety? 

  • Are you worrying excessively over everyday things?

  • Do you feel “keyed up” and find it difficult to relax?

  • Is it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep?

  • Do you have headaches, muscle aches and/or stomach aches?

  • Do you feel as though anxiety is limiting you from living your life?

  • Do you ever wish that you can find calm, peace of mind and freedom from worry and negative thinking?

Living with anxiety can be very draining and frustrating. No matter how hard you try, you may find that you just can’t stop the worry and negative thinking. Maybe you just can’t shut it off. You may feel that you live your life in a constant state of worry or fear, always on guard, expecting that something bad will happen. Concentrating may be difficult because you feel the anxiety is all-consuming and dominating. You may even find yourself doing things in a certain way to ward off something bad from happening. You might know that the thoughts are irrational and the worry is out of proportion.

Despite this, the feelings and fear may feel very real indeed. And perhaps you know that the things that you fear typically don’t happen. You might even berate yourself for not being able to control the worrying and negative thoughts. To add to all of this, maybe you are beginning to lose interest in the things that you once enjoyed doing. You may feel as though you are living in a prison and that your peace of mind and well-being have been stolen from you. 


Understanding anxiety is often the first step toward finding relief. That’s because, in truth, this is not your fault. Fear and worry are normal responses to danger or a threat, and anxiety is a protective mechanism that is triggered when we face danger. A physiological response, known as the “fight/flight” response, takes place in the body to prepare us to fight for our lives or flee. It is a protective response that we want to activate when we are faced with real danger. Unfortunately, it can kick in when there is no real danger.


At times, everyone worries about things: job, health or finances. Everyone experiences anxiety. Some amount of anxiety can be expected before you give a speech or go for a job interview. Some degree of anxiety can actually be helpful in certain performance situations. However, sometimes, anxiety can grow overwhelming.

When a loved one is late coming home, people without anxiety might think they were delayed at work or perhaps got stuck in traffic or maybe needed to stop at the store to pick up something. A person suffering with anxiety fears the worse and immediately begins to think of all of the horrible possible scenarios. As the fear grows overwhelming, that person may actually call the police or visit the emergency room, convinced that something terrible has happened. This pattern can be broken. When anxiety occurs frequently for no apparent reason, is long-lasting and begins to interfere with your normal life, it may be time to seek help.


The mind-body connection is very powerful. What we think and say to ourselves can have a direct effect on how we feel. Your body can respond to the worrying and negative thoughts with headaches, muscle aches, digestive problems and other stress related symptoms. You don’t have to live your life this way. You can learn to change your thoughts and stop the worry.

Using a combination treatment approach, which includes powerful techniques from Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, I can help you use your own mind to get relief from anxiety. Often, there are underlying issues causing your worry, and my approach is a gentle, yet powerful way to help you do the inner healing that is necessary for change. I have helped many people break the cycle of worry and negative thinking and get relief from anxiety.


One of my clients came to me because of the constant negative thinking that she was having. She told me that negative thoughts would come into her mind and then they would stay there, and she would just dwell on them all day and feel awful. After we worked together in anxiety treatment, she told me that, at times, negative thoughts would still come into her mind, but then they would float right out. She found that they no longer lingered. She told me it was such a wonderful relief!

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common reasons people seek counseling. I specialize in helping people get relief from anxiety. Using effective techniques that work, I will develop an anxiety therapy plan that is individualized for you. I have helped many people break free from the endless worry and find joy and happiness in their lives. You, too, can feel better and move through your days without the heaviness of anxiety. 

You may believe that therapy can help you find long-lasting relief, but you may have questions or concerns...

ISN’T Anxiety Treatment EXPENSIVE?  

Are you enjoying the way you live your life now, or do you find that anxiety is really limiting you? You may find that your daily life is a constant state of worry and fear. Only you can decide how valuable your well-being and peace of mind is. You deserve to live your life with peace and calm. Therapy is an investment in your long-term well-being.


I use the latest techniques from Ericksonian Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help people get relief from anxiety in a relatively quick time. At our first session, I will listen as you describe your life with anxiety and how you want to be different. I will also teach you some skills that you can begin using immediately. In our subsequent sessions together, I will help you get to the root of the problem and resolve it there. My clients are delightfully amazed at the results they have gotten.


When you are facing overwhelming anxiety in your daily life and feel it is for no apparent reason, there is usually an underlying or unresolved issue that needs to be resolved. Hypnosis or trance is a way to access the root of the problem. Then, we will be able to do the work necessary for you to heal.

You may have already tried to get relief from anxiety by saying to yourself, “I am not going to worry anymore.” Did it work? Many of my clients have told me that they have tried this and found it very difficult. Therapeutic hypnosis is not the frightening process that is portrayed in movies, and you will be awake, aware and in control throughout the entire process. A light trance state is all that is required to do this life-changing work.



I know that taking the first step to relief can be overwhelming, especially with the anxiety that you are already feeling. It really does take courage. I have helped many people just like you get lasting relief. There is a way out.

Take the first step and call me at 856.238.5036 for a free 15-minute consultation. You can ask me any questions you may have about anxiety treatment and my practice. It’s time for you break the anxiety cycle and regain freedom in your life!


*results may vary